Wednesday, February 26, 2014

                 Hey guys here are some funny Car Memes   

                                                                                                             By Jamel .E  (J2100)

Saturday, January 11, 2014

Question of the Day

Hey guys! This is your favorite guy Derick here, and I'm going to do the question of the day.
So, here it goes. Do you guys see the our blogs background picture? If you do you might be able to answer this question. Clearly anyone can tell that that beauty is a Corvette, but the real question is which one. So is it...
A. Corvette Z06
B. Corvette ZR1
C. Corvette Stingray 2013
D. 1999 Corvette
 Have you guys guessed it yet? If you think you've got the right answer, write what you think in the comments. Although if you're having a bit of trouble.... Hint: I've posted about this car before!
Your Loyal Car Lover,
Derick P.

Saturday, December 21, 2013


Hey guys, this is Derick posting that there won't be much posts anymore, just maybe from me.
This is just like a little post to notify you people.

Friday, December 6, 2013

Derick Post

Hey guys, Derick here from a while or-a long while of not being on. But I decided that I come on to share with you guys a fascinating car that I absolutely love. Well, as you guys may know if you have read some of my earlier posts, that one of my dream cars are the Nissan 370z. But, currently I have heard that a new Nissan has just popped out from the car-making industries. Well, enough talking about crap, time to get to the point. This magnificent car is the Nissan 2014 370z Nismo! If you have ever read any of my previous posts, you may have seen a post with a Nissan 370z-looking car with a black body-kit. Well, that was a "Car Rumors" category post I believe; staring the 370z Nismo! This is the reason of why I am so happy for the popularity that the car has been getting now after I posted this only a few months before it was heard about to the whole public. This is also the reason I do these future car posts and things. And as I always say "I might not have all the information about this car at the moment but when I do get the full info and I will update", and guess what? I have all the information and it's time for me to update!
Now folks, this isn't just a car to look at...This is a car to freaking STARE at! You guys can agree right? Yes, No, Maybe? Well, whatever. As you can see this awesome looking car usually will coming in this color scheme: White, Black, and Red, (as you can see above) which is totally perfect for me because this is one of my favorite color combos. Now, one thing that I love about the Z's is that when making a  successor, they will change the style, but not make it look completely different from it's preceded older sibs. They have the design look the same or similar to it, most people would agree that making a successor that looks completely different from it's preceeder does not look all that well and doesn't feel as if it is the successor, you know what I mean? Probably not, but enough chit-chat time for performance!
Now, if you are smart, and really now cars or just really Nissan, you should know that the Nismo version is going to be fast. This things gotta V6 350 horsepower engine. Pretty good for a 370 right? The Nismo also goes from 0-60 in about 5.2-3 seconds. Top speed: 155 mph. I'm falling in love all over again with this car man, it's just to beautiful. But, although beautiful and fast, don't forget beautiful, the Nismo has been getting a lot of complaints about the handling on long trips. Although you may be passing through highway traffic like a boss, you may not feel like a boss when doing so. Also, owners of the Nismo have a problem with the gauge, they believe that it is hard to read. I don't think it is that hard to read but hey, I'm don't even own a Nismo.

So guys, do you like the Nismo? And do you think that if you had the cash you would have bought the vehicle if you could have bought the vehicle knowing the pro's and con's and whether you should have bought the vehicle? I certainly would. But you know me, I just gotta love them Nissan's.

Hey, speaking of the Nissans and the Z's and all that maybe I should do a S.S.C on the Nissan NISMO Z.

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

                                      WERE BACK!!!!!!

Hey Guys Jamel hear, we have exciting NEWS we are back and Car trend on blogger and Ustream which u can also find us we will be having our biggest episode yet. It is going to be our 1 YEAR anniversary, also it will be our season premiere of SEASON 3. So we will get more information to you when the episode is premiered. For now can enjoy our car jokes from Derick and exciting post from me Dillon and Derick. Also our awesome page decoration by Nadia and Susanna.

Friday, September 13, 2013

Car News

Many people say that in the future there will be flying cars. So, I decided to ask you guys, what would you think on the concept, want it? Would like it? Or just no way? In my personal opinion I would say 'just no way'. I feel that if they start making cars fly there will be more accidents. And I feel there will be too much of a change from staying leveled, and in the air.

Car Jokes

Take a look at these funny car memes. I hope they get a laugh outta you like it did from me.