Wednesday, February 27, 2013


Hey guys, it's Derick, telling you guys about the Porsche 911 GT3

The GT3 is a super hot car, as you can see above. The car is very fast, having 435 hp, going 194 mph. Reaching 60 mph in 4 sec. The car is amazing being used in games, Le Mans races, etc. Being one of my favorite Porsche's this will also be one of the fastest. How about you guys? You guys like this car? Let me know in comments.


New Video!

New Video!

Hey guys! Derick here just to remind you guys about the new video coming in March. So, again, we will be talking about Domestic cars, such as muscle cars and American cars. I hope you guys are as excited as I am. Remember, the episode will be coming to the blog in March, so remember to view it. 
  • Better audio
  • Dillon is with us this time talking about cars
  • With better carmercials
  • Longer than the previous episodes
  • Hot cars!!!
Hope you guys like the episode and view it. 

From your loyal car lover, 
Derick Pilgrim

Friday, February 22, 2013

Car News: Land Rover

Hey guys, Derick here. Just telling you guys about the upcoming Land Rover Freelander
Here is what it might look like. To me, it resembles the Evoque more than the Freelander than the Lr2 or the Freelander series. Although, over that, the style of the car also resembles some parts of the Freelander. Man, with all the camoflauge that is being put on spy cars these days are so hard to make out the real look of the car. To tell you the truth, at first I thought this was some weird landscape or 3d figure or something like that (Yea, I know, VERY WEIRD).
So guys, let me know if you guys like the look of the car so far. The thing I want to know about this car is the interior of the car.

Car Jokes: Lowwww

This thing is about to get squished by the Ram in the back. Seriously, the height of the bike in the back of the car is higher than the height of this car. 

Saturday, February 16, 2013

S.S.C: Ferrari Enzo

Welcoming the Ferrari Enzo!
One of the most remebered cars from Ferrari! This car is great, being very fast and used in many races, and being in many games since it came out. This car was, and still is very, extremly special, with it being produced between the years of 2002-04, and only 400 cars being porduced it was very fast, with a top speed of up to 210 mph. At about 600hp. Also, the car is very aero dynamic being about 3,000 pounds and 4 ft. tall. Oh, did I mention that is was totally HOT! 
This Ferrari is on my top 5 list for my favorite in number 3, number 1 being the Italia. How about you guys? What's your favorite Ferrari? Comment your answer.

Geneva Motor Cars Coming Up!

Hey guys, Derick here, going to tell you guys about very cool upcoming cars in the Geneva Motor Show.
So, CarBuzz (great site and app to download) gave us great info about the upcoming cars in the Geneva Motor Show. So here are some cars to look out for:
Aventador J
Ferrari "F150"
McLaren P1
Porshe 918 Spyder
Corvette Stingray (New)

New Video!

Hey guys, Derick here. Just informing you guys about a new video coming soon in March, it will be much better. Now, Dillon will be here doing the video with us. Last time we were representing imports now, we will be representing domestic cars! Again, the video will be coming around March, maybe March 1st, or around the first week of March. So, remembern to check in at that time to see the episode; Car Talk #3. Now, as you sink in this information. See these photos that will be giving you a sneak peek about what we will be talking about.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Car News: Viper

Here is some news about the all-too-famous Viper SRT
Viper Sold Out, Roadster Coming
The all-new Viper SRT has been sold out, with about 700-800 sold I think. Although they have been sold out, Viper says that they will be maing a convertible version of the car in the next year so don't worry. Can't wait to see it, sure you guys can't wait to see it either. So prepare to see it!
Now, enjoy more pictures of the Viper.
Mmmmm... Wonderful.

Car News: Aventador World Tour

Have you heard? Aventador it's having a world tour, their first stop was Miami, and soon New York, coincidentally they had to park there of them in my dad's hotel. Although no pictures, they had them covered up. Although I do have photos of them driving in the Miami airport. Check it out. Enjoy!
Nice huh? I can tell that has a good time

Car Jokes: Super Scion

Here is the world's most tuned up Scion EVER!

Dang, I would be scared to next to that thing in a Supra.

Friday, February 8, 2013

Car Talk #2

Hi guys, we have finally made a 2nd video to Car Talk. Although, Dillon was absent during the video, but next time he will be here. In this video we will be representing Imports.
Enjoy the video!

Monday, February 4, 2013

New website

Hey guys Dillon here to say that the website has been created but still in beta. The address is yes again

Friday, February 1, 2013

Hey guys Jamel hear, just wanted to inform you guys that now that it's February car trend is bringing you so much more. For inrance there will be a wesite created with features that are jaw dropping. We'll be sure to let you guys know when it comes out.