Friday, May 31, 2013

Sorry Guys!

Hey guys, this is Derick. The Car Trend group and I would like to say sorry for the unappearences and the latness of posts. Also that we will be trying to make more videos nfor you guys to watch.
Jamel: Make sure you guys watch our new videos because our season finale will be coming up. Once it is Summer, we'll be taking a little break because the cast will not be together because of vacations.
Follow us on Instagram:
Jamel: J2100
Derick: Derick2600
Nadia: Nadia_rose_bud
Susanna: Suzie_z926
Car Trend (run by Dillon: car_trend

Saturday, May 11, 2013


Hey guys, have an Instagram? Well, if you do follow us. Our usernames are:
Jamel: J2100
Derick: Derick2600
Car Trend (page): Car_Trend
Nadia: Nadia_rose_bud
Follow us and we'll follow you back! 

Saturday, May 4, 2013

New Tumblr.

Hey guys. Derick here, telling you guys that I have made a new Tumblr. So if you don't want to come here you can just visit the Tumblr. With news about upcoming things, and some random car pics for you to enjoy, and all the posts posted here! I hope you guys will visit the Tumblr, and make sure to tell any of your friends that view our Car Trend blog, videos, Ustream, or anything about us.

From Your Loyal Car Lover
Derick P.

Friday, May 3, 2013


 Today, I'll talk about the Corvette ZR1.
Chevrolet Corvette ZR1
The Chevy Corvette ZR1 is a 6.2L, LS9 V8-powered (worthy of some 638 horsepower/595 ft-lbs torque) beast of a pony car. That’s around 100 horsepower per cylinder, for those counting. From a standstill, it rip-roars its way to 60 mph in a mere 3.2 seconds and takes 100 in less than 11. It’s top speed is 205 mph. The cost of this car would be at about $121,000.
 From Your Loyal Car Lover,
Derick P.

Car Jokes

CRAP! I hate spiders.