Friday, October 12, 2012

Car Rumors: Peugeot Onyx Supercar

Introducing the Peugeot Onyx!
I really love this Peugeot. First thing I would like to talk about this car is it's doors. Like the Bugatti Galibier, it will have different material doors. But... it's copper! I never in my life have heard of copper on a car, which is the thing about this car that really suprises me. The other parts of the car will have a matte black color.
This Peugeot will have about 600hp, with a 3.7 liter diesel V-8. The Onyx will be mid-engine. This will also have a 6-speed gearbox. Another thing is that it is assited with decelaration by a active spoiler like the Bugatti Veryon's.
I believe that the interior for this Onyx is absolutely magnificant! Everything inside it is high tech. It's steering wheel, dashboard, ect. It's very cool.
In my opinion:
Comment on what you like and dislike about this car. And remember to comment what cars you want info on.

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