Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Coming Soon: Car Trend w/ Derick

So guys, I have made my first video of Car Trend with Derick. I wanted to inform you guys about this so you guys keep checking on the blog for that post so you guys can watch it. I will try to post it on both the blog and Ustream, but most likely only the blog. But, when I do post the video, I will give the link to watch it on Ustream if I am able to post the video on Ustream. I hope the video gets a lot of views for it. Remeber to check the blog constantly for the video and other posts.
And remeber to look out for other posts or videos by Jamel or Dillon. Be sure to be checking the blog and our Ustream to view our videos anytime you like. And if you haven't already, make sure to watch our previous videos that we have posted on the blog.
Also, in some of our Car Trend episodes (videos in our season that are made all together) you will get to see a lot of Nadia and Susanna in them. In some of our first videos Susanna was only on camera, and Nadia was not there at all. But now, as you might have seen in our latest episode (found on Ustream) that we are trying to involve Nadia and Susanna more in our videos. For example, in our latest episode, Susanna sat with Jamel and I to talk about the cars that we talked about. Also, in that same episode you kight have noticed Nadia that was on Skype being able to talk to us and the viewers, in that case, the veiwers are you. But, we soon lost connection with her after she had gonqe offline. So, what we are trying to do is physically get her in our videos. We were going to do that on the the 19th of April, but we were out of time. Next time, we will try to involve Nadia more. 
Make sure to keep viewing us guys. Make sure to tell your friends aboutus too. We are only at 4,400 pageviews, almost 4,500, keep viewing guys. More views = More amazing posts!
From Your Loyal Car Lover,
Derick Pilgrim

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