Sunday, April 14, 2013


One very fast supercar that has been out there for a while and very popular is the Pagani
Huayra. It's been in many famous games like, I think, Most Wanted, Forza Horizon, GRID 2.
The Pagani is a very fast mid-engine going at a top speed at about 230 mph. As you can see in the picture above, the Huayra has gull-wing doors, which as many call it, which is not very popular on many cars, and on most, dosen't look good, but on this car, it's amazing. The Huayra reaches 0-60 in a quick 3.3 seconds, having a M158 V12 to power an over 700 hp car. Many people like the style and shape of the car because the shape helps in wind resistance.
From Your Loyal Car Lover,
Derick P.

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