Monday, April 29, 2013

Car News

Seen any nice cars lately guys? Well, I saw this really nice, fast, and hot Audi R8 the other day cruising on the highway.
Enough about that, lets talk about SSC (just to make sure, not s.s.c, Shelby SuperCars). SSC is making a Tuatra that will be coming out pretty soon, and many people are very excited about it. They are hoping for high speeds. Well, with 1,350 horsepower, this car is going to be very, very fast. What if it beats the record again? Just saying, but anyways, with a pretty light weight of 2,750 lbs, and an aerodynamic body, this car is going to be great on the road.

Saturday, April 27, 2013

Derick: Over 4,500!

Hey people! We've reached 4,500 page views. Now, we are going to rank up 5,000. Woohoot! make sure to tell your friends about this blog and about our Facebook page.  

Friday, April 26, 2013

New Video Coming Soon.

Derick: Hey guys, seen some nice cars lately? Well, I'm just here informing you guys about a new video that will be posted on the blog. Stay tuned to the blog for the next few days to watch this video of ours. Aad we will try to feature Dillon this time. See you there!

Susanna: Haii people of this universe!! New video soon, tell your buddies and hope yall enjoy! ^u^ My schedule is kind of crazy and i may not be in the video this time >_< I apologize and hope to be in the next one!! :)

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Great Classic

What's up guys? This is Derick, and I'm posting a picture of a car that Jamel, Dillon, and I saw today. So, here it is.
 This car was spotted near our school on an vintage towing service truck. Dillon pointed out that it might be a Benz. If you believe that this car is not a Benz, please inform us of what car you think it really is. This car looks like a great classic to have, whoever has this is very lucky. Although, I'd expect it to be on a towing truck because of it very old state, it might have many problems. Dillon, Jamel, and I were thinking that the car might be from pre - 1940. So, if you want to clarify on anything about this car, please inform us in the comments. We might be sending more photos like these in the future. Keep an eye out, I here there are some other great classics around the back, we might take some pictures of them too. I hink they have a GTO back there also, I don't know. So, if we get anymore classic photos, we will inform you guys about our finds, and what we know about the car. Be sure to view our next posts!
Remember: Go Fast Or Go Home!
From Your Loyal Car Lovers,
Dillon D., Jamel E., and Derick P.

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Coming Soon: Car Trend w/ Derick

So guys, I have made my first video of Car Trend with Derick. I wanted to inform you guys about this so you guys keep checking on the blog for that post so you guys can watch it. I will try to post it on both the blog and Ustream, but most likely only the blog. But, when I do post the video, I will give the link to watch it on Ustream if I am able to post the video on Ustream. I hope the video gets a lot of views for it. Remeber to check the blog constantly for the video and other posts.
And remeber to look out for other posts or videos by Jamel or Dillon. Be sure to be checking the blog and our Ustream to view our videos anytime you like. And if you haven't already, make sure to watch our previous videos that we have posted on the blog.
Also, in some of our Car Trend episodes (videos in our season that are made all together) you will get to see a lot of Nadia and Susanna in them. In some of our first videos Susanna was only on camera, and Nadia was not there at all. But now, as you might have seen in our latest episode (found on Ustream) that we are trying to involve Nadia and Susanna more in our videos. For example, in our latest episode, Susanna sat with Jamel and I to talk about the cars that we talked about. Also, in that same episode you kight have noticed Nadia that was on Skype being able to talk to us and the viewers, in that case, the veiwers are you. But, we soon lost connection with her after she had gonqe offline. So, what we are trying to do is physically get her in our videos. We were going to do that on the the 19th of April, but we were out of time. Next time, we will try to involve Nadia more. 
Make sure to keep viewing us guys. Make sure to tell your friends aboutus too. We are only at 4,400 pageviews, almost 4,500, keep viewing guys. More views = More amazing posts!
From Your Loyal Car Lover,
Derick Pilgrim

Monday, April 22, 2013

Fast, fast, fast!

Hey guys, a little something I did in support for all the fast cars I talked Car News posts. It's not the cars I've been talking abot, but they sure are some great cars.

Sunday, April 14, 2013


One very fast supercar that has been out there for a while and very popular is the Pagani
Huayra. It's been in many famous games like, I think, Most Wanted, Forza Horizon, GRID 2.
The Pagani is a very fast mid-engine going at a top speed at about 230 mph. As you can see in the picture above, the Huayra has gull-wing doors, which as many call it, which is not very popular on many cars, and on most, dosen't look good, but on this car, it's amazing. The Huayra reaches 0-60 in a quick 3.3 seconds, having a M158 V12 to power an over 700 hp car. Many people like the style and shape of the car because the shape helps in wind resistance.
From Your Loyal Car Lover,
Derick P.

Friday, April 12, 2013

Car News

New Fastest Car!
I can't believe that just a few days ago that I heard about the new fastest car: Hennessey Venom GT. But guess what. The SSC broke it again with a top speed of 267 mph. Right now, Bugatti,
Hennessey, and SSC are in a complete feud if you ask me. But I think that very soon the record will be broken very quickly, so don't get to comfortable with SSC as the winner.

Season 2!

Susanna Here :D
Hey yall!!! Today at 4:30PM there is going to be the new season premier!!
Remember this is in GMT -5 but now its -4 'cause of Daylight Saving Time >_>

Derick here, as you can see Susanna just posted about the new video today, which is 4/12,13, that will be starting our new season! So, make sure to view at exactly 4:30 on Ustream. Remember, you must go into the entertainment section and type in Car Trend to find us.
If you don't want to go through all that trouble, enter this link into the URL:
Also, don't forget to watch our future videos when we post them on the blog.

Susanna: Ahem, I'd like to thank you all for staying in tune with us ^u^ cya there!~

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Car News/Games

Hey guys, have you been looking for good driving games out there at the moment with great cars to drive? Well, have a lot to tell you guys about if you guys want to know.
So, first I'll put up Nitto 1320 Legends as #1:
Like the picture, well this is actually a picture of how the cars look in the game. Nitto Legends is a great drag racing games with over millions of people playing and signing up everyday, with many cars to choose from and many customizations to pick for your car. Cars you can get go from the slowest: VW 1963, or the fastest: Nissan R35.
The reason why this is number one on my list is because it is social, fun, challenging, with Bracket racing, H2H racing (head to head), and pink slips. And with reputation that goes up on whether you lose or win against online opponents, it makes it all more competing towards freinds. Also connects to Facebook to share your wins with your friends
I play this game, so if you want to add me, search up: DriftJoker, I have a Mustang.
For #2 I picked: Car Town
I inform you guys, that I am doing my personal opinions, and only online games, not console games.
This game I have picked for a more social experience. If you don't have a Facebook you can just skip this one, but I warn you this game is great.
All cars on car town look like this. A very miniturized look. This game you have to have a Facebook for to play because it is only accessible on Facebook. This game is great with many, MANY things to explore in this game: Your own garage to expand, decorate, fill with cars, and do jobs to earn money. The game has levels to going over 75. Also, leaderboards ever week to see who can complete the challenege better than ou friends that also play Car Town. With an extreme amount of cars to choose from, this games cars you can have are endless, for example, I think I have about more than 75 cars in my garage, each of them different. I will show you guys an example garage.
See the cars? And the decals that can be put on the cars are up to you, adding personal photos, stickers that are already in the visual options, and an option to paint your whole car. Also, as you can see, your garage can be mended in any way possible. I have many more things to tell you guys about this game that are very cool, but if I type this all, I will need to make a second post as a continuation. So, let's move on to our next game.
Need for Speed World
Need for Speed World is really great, but what I, including other players often complain about is lagging, which happens a lot when racing, which makes you lose and crash often, making you waste your money on fixing the car. There's only one word to explain this game: Crazy amazing, I find it better than Nitto Legends, the other thing that bother me is all the updates. Since NFSW is making so many updates, you need to download all of them which take a lot of time. But, enough with the cons, lets get to the pros! The game a wide-WIDE area of cars to buy and choose from! Including cars that were from NFS games that came before or after this one. Although the cars cost a very much amount of money and most of them cost Speed Points, which you can get more of only by buying them with real-world money. But the only ones that cost Speed Points are extremely fast or special edition, or limited editions ones. But I here they give out a lot of codes allowing players to get Speed points for free or special edition cars for free. For example, the Lamborghini that you see above is called the Tensor, which I got to use for 24 hours, throughout my time playing the game with it, for free from a code that was currently founded, and one that has not expired yet. And one thing that I loeve about this game is that, like all the other NFS games, it has free roam, soyou can meet up with your friends that play the game and have private races together and public races together with other people to mak friends. Another thing that I love about this game is that when you have a slower car, and someone joins with a very fast car, it will only pair you up with players that have equal level so that every racer has a chance of winning the race. With powerups thta racers can user in races and pursuits, the game gets so much better. So, as Car Town, if I explain verything that I want to explain out this game, I will have to make a seperate post just to post it.
So, that's is it for today on great games that you can download online, and by the way, they are all free, but there are things in the game that are purchsed by real-world money. I hope I really helped you guys out by posting this, and that you guys try the game. If you have some suggestions about a game that you guys really liked that I may have missed, please share it in the comments.
From Your Royal Car Lover,
Derick P.

Car News

Guess what? New Bugatti!
This, right here, is the new Bugatti WRC Vitesse going at a top speed of 254 mph! Great, right? The color scheme I love also. I wish it was in red, then I'd go bananas for it.  The Bugatti still has the same 8.0 liter 4 turbo W12, and had broke the record for fastest convertible car. It will be premiered at the Shanghai Auto Show, April 20th

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Car Trend's 150th Post

Hey guys, celebrating our 150th post with a little collage I made, hope you guys like it.
I'm also informing guys about my new video that I will be posting in a few days. So, look out for that video. Keep viewing, and don't forget to tell your friends about us!

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Car News

What's up guys? See any nice cars lately?
Well, I have. Remember that Car Rumors I Did on the Maserati Ghibli? It just came out! With a turbocharged 3.0 V6 engine. Check the picture below, isn't it just amazing?
I love it. What about you guys? Do you like car? Answer in the comments below.

Friday, April 5, 2013

Hey guys Jamel hear just wanted to tell you guys that season 2 is posponed to around April 12- 14. Sorry for the delay to make up for that. We will be making our new website that Dillon is currently in production with and that's not all. We will be having a new game for Car Trend it's called DOPE or NOPE. Also, we will create our own online line game that you the viewers and fans can play I say it may be coming out around the ending of May or beginning of June, so watch out for that. This will be all. Thank You.

Monday, April 1, 2013

Car News

Have you guys heard about the new Subaru WRX? Well, the car is very nice. If you visit the New York Auto Show, you might get to see the amazing car. The car was released unexpectedly, and I do not have much information on the car, so very soon, I will be telling you guys more about the car. So, while you wait, I'll be posting more, so do not go away.